Monday, April 30, 2007

Beauty Through Strength

Blue Mood
What is beauty anyway?

When the MS Society asked me to pose naked for Melissa Mailer-Yates I didn't know what to say.

I'm 36.

I'm not pretty.

I'm not tall.

I'm certainly not slim.

I don't have good skin.

I always look tired (I always am tired).

For about three seconds I panicked.

I wanted to say 'yes'.... I know a once-in-lifetime opportunity when it presents itself.

But me? Naked?? Couldn't the MS Society ask me to do something a little less... challenging?

There are some opportunities you know you should grasp with both hands before they get away from you.
So I said 'yes' before I could say 'no'.
And here we are, four months later. Naked before the world.

I knew this project was going to be an emotional roller coaster ride. It hasn't disappointed.

Thanks to the support and encouragement of the amazing group of people whom I count as my close friends, I have managed to keep my head up and have made it to launch day, this blog and my chance to share this experience with you.

This blog includes video interviews with a number of my friends and footage from the day I first saw the paintings in real life and from the opening night of the exhibition.

I would love to know what you think about this exhibition, about the paintings and about what you think about what I've done here. Please post comments. I will try to respond to them all.


Candy Cane said...

I don't know which is more thought provoking, your painting or your words
Good work jooly xx

Natalie Ford said...

You are so brave. I could not have done that. I salute you for having done so and in that painting you *are* beautiful. I do like the idea of beauty through strength, as well, although I am very weak and wimpy at times...

Natalie Ford said...

P.S. Where/when can we see all of the other MS Society commissioned paintings? I could not find them on her site. She is an amazing portrait artist!

Julie Howell said...

Thank you, Natalie. The other images have yet to be released (including a second image of me - all in good time). However, you will catch a glimpse of the portraits of the two other women with MS, Tracey and Alice, in a video that I will post right her on the blog very shortly.

Funky Mango said...

:-) Well done Jooly...a wonderful painting and beautiful words. You're an inspiration to us all girl!

Julie Howell said...

(posted on behalf of Jaydee)

You are amazing Julie!
It is very comforting to know you are on "our" side (msers)
Well done with the blog and you are beautiful!

mdmhvonpa said...

Well, I'm not too certain about your other assertions, but you are wayyy off on the pretty part. Perhaps striking or beautiful would be more apropos.

Anonymous said...

They say examining and appreciating art isn’t really about trying to decipher the artist’s original intent. Rather, the abstract nature of the picture provokes emotions within the viewer. What we take away from the art ultimately resides within us all along. The art merely brings it to the surface. The more corrupt we are, the more corrupt our interpretations will be. The same applies to innocence.

In brief nice tits.

Well done.

shop-till-you-drop said...

Well done You! I think its fantastic, we are after all 100% women first then MS. We all should be proud of how we look, and what we can do. Sometimes people get so hung on up on looking perfect or to a certain ideal... Not that your not! Be wonderful if everyone felt happy enough to do what you have done.. Its Brilliant !

Unknown said...

I am jealous! I would love to do what you have done!
I am a 28 year old female with MS, but this would not stop me from posing naked if asked.

Unknown said...

nice one jooly

yeah yr truly strong and beautifull

raising a glass of michu [rice wine] with slice of lime in your honour

because hey-

your creating jj's has saved my life frequently

Philip. said...


I hope you don't mind but I've added a link to your blog on mine.


Andy Mabbett said...

>I'm not pretty.

Oh yes you are!

Julie M. Baker said...

You are right. You are not pretty--You are beautiful! You are also an inspiration to me as a person with MS.

Jerry Ford said...


Kudos to you and the MS Society for demonstrating that people of all shapes, ages and condition are beautiful; beauty is not just skin-deep, it flows outward from within.

Jerry Ford, Canada

Julia Ardón said...

Hi, I am Julia from Costa Rica. I read your history and I need to hug you.

Please, when you can, visit my web site El Salón de Belleza. (
There you will find portraits of sisters...women like you like me, all beatiful.

sorry abour my english.
Yo hablo español

Ted said...

I have always observed you to be a person who does not fear vulnerability regardless of consequence. Now I think that all along you were aware of the consequence, rather, the shining result vulnerability brings!

In sharing this side of you, once again I admire your inspiration, your daring, and your qualities to connect. You are a master at inviting contribution!

You are lovely :-)